Macro Portfolio

Macro photography Macro photography is something that I have really grown to love. There are so many beautiful details that macro photography lets you see! I especially love doing creative things with it, like water drops, or snowflakes. It’s a challenge but...

Creative Portfolio

Levitation, fairy tales, composites, I love to create things the eye doesn’t see in real life. This is my chance to be a true artist and have some fun! Any idea or dream in the world is possible, and the options are endless. My current favorite is smoke bombs,...
Seniors Portfolio

Seniors Portfolio

SENIORS Seniors are entering such an exciting part of their life! College, being on their own, work, finding themselves, finding the world, careers, marriage, family, it’s exciting! Senior portraits should show their personality, their interests, and make them...
Families Portfolio

Families Portfolio

FAMILIES Family photos are always a lot of work for the momma but especially rewarding as our kids grow up and photos are all we have to show how little they once were. It’s mass chaos, and in the midst of it all we capture the energy and emotion and love of the...
Children and Babies Portfolio

Children and Babies Portfolio

children Baptisms, birthday, newborns, or sometimes just for fun! I work extremely well with children and not only want them to feel comfortable, but to enjoy the experience and be a part of a fairy tale. I am very good at getting them to smile and feel comfortable,...